How do I do to contribute?
This is a new way to interact between the user and the site, a new level of interactivity, just like the CD-i ideology, don’t be only watching, be active and change the history!
The World of CD-i website let you be part of the growing available data day after day!
Be a contributor and improve the knowledge data of YOUR CD-i website!
To contribute you need to get the contributor status from The World of CD-i team.
To get this status you 1st need to be registered on the site.
The World of CD-i team select the users that will be contributor.
The criteria to get this status defined by the activity of the user (forum posts, comments, visits frequency) and the level of trust between him and The World of CD-i.
You will receive an email to inform that your status level have been improved from subscriber to contributor (please verify your spam box).
Do not change the permalink and the title, otherwise links from the site or from outside will not work.
1 – How to add missing or rectify wrong information?
- Click on the top left “Dashboard”
- This is your main dashboard menu
- To add missing info click there
- Select the title you want to edit
- Edit the info and click on update
2 – How to add or change media files like Screenshots, Covers, Videos, Flyers, etc…?
- Click on “Add Media”
- Browser you files to add.
3 – How to create a missing title?
- Choose an equivalent category
- Copy all the data
- Click on “add item”
- Add a Name, paste here.
- Edit the info and click on update
All the updates and new additions will first be verified by The World of CD-i to avoid anything to be deleted.
Once published, your name/username will be added to the credits.
Enjoy this new level of Interactivity!